The Canadian Aikido Federation is pleased to announce the following promotions at the 2025 Kagami-biraki Ceremony:
The beginning of something bigger is the best way to describe the panel discussion we held on Monday June 26 at this year’s summer camp in Calgary.
Discussions like these break the ice. They nurture an openness to different perspectives and debunk the myth that knowledge and wisdom are reserved for a select few.
Moderated by Anita Abbasi (CAF member-at-large), the panel discussion brought together four CAF members of varying ages, experiences and stages in their Aikido career: Maya Hanevy (19 years-old, 4th kyu at BigRock Aikikai), Gurneet Singh (26 years-old, 4th kyu at JCCC Aikikai), Esteban Ricalde (42 years-old, 4th Dan at Avalon Aikikai) and Martin Moreau sensei (50 years-old, 4th Dan, chief instructor at Rock Water Aikikai).
The topic to be dissected was an elusive one for a lot of dojos across Canada: “How to keep young adults (19-29 years-old) engaged in Aikido?”